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Academic Library Building Design: Resources for Planning: Key Additional Resources

ACRL and Core have joined forces to provide a basic framework for architects, planners, and librarians embarking on the planning and design of libraries for higher education.

Updated April 2021

Key Additional Resources

Exterior view of Dine College Library, Shiprock, New MexicoThis section is intended to collect general interest resources, many of which may provide content relevant to more than one of the preceeding sections.

Photo: Dine College Library, Shiprock, NM. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Organizations, Societies, and Companies

Library Organizations 

Nonprofit and Commercial Organizations

Social Media

Library Design Books and Reports

​​​​​​Christopher S. (2015). Building with Purpose: A Quantitative Overview and Analysis of New U.S. Academic Library Construction, 2000 – 2014

Hauke, P., Niess, R., and Latimer, K. (2021). New libraries in old buildings: The creative reuse of disused structures. IFLA Publications. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.

Head, A. (2016). Planning and Designing Academic Library Learning Spaces: Expert Perspectives of Architects, Librarians, and Library Consultants.

Karasic, V. (2016). From Commons to Classroom: The Evolution of Learning Spaces in Academic Libraries. Journal of Learning Spaces, 5(2), 53-60.

Mathews, B., and Soistmann, L. A. (2016). Encoding space: Shaping learning environments that unlock human potential. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries. []

Stewart, C. (2010). The academic library building in the digital age: A study of construction, planning, and design of new library space. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries. [].

Handbooks, Checklists, and Guides

Barclay, D. A., & Scott, E. D. (2011). The library renovation, maintenance, and construction handbook. New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers. []

EDUCAUSE Learning Space Rating System (LSRS)

Sannwald, W. W. (2016). Checklist of library building design considerations. Chicago: American Library Association. []

Schlipf, F., and Moorman, J.A. (2018). The practical handbook of library architecture: Creating building spaces that work. Chicago: ALA Editions. []