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Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit

Resources to promote understanding and adoption of inclusive pedagogy.

Tools for Instruction

Docendo Discimus - Latin Proverb meaning "By Teaching, We Learn."

Taking those first steps. 

John Watt (author of Inclusive Cultural and Social Pedagogy in the Library Classroom) suggests asking yourself 3 questions to help "Break down social barriers from minute one:" 

  1. What privilege do you bring to this learning experience? How can you acknowledge your own bias, status, or cultural lens through which you view the world?
  2. What feeling would you like your students to remember about this class a week from now?
  3. What could you say that would help everyone feel this way?

As you consider those questions, the resources below will help you move from the theory into the practice of inclusive pedagogy. 

Tools for Instruction

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Implementing Inclusive Pedagogy can lead to some difficult conversations. For help navigating those conversations, check out these resources: 

Anti-Racism →

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