Fisher, Z. (2017). "Where is all the research about community college libraries?" The Librarian Parlor.
An excellent post on the struggles of conducting research and writing as a community college librarian.
The purpose of this guide is to provide scholarly writing information, guidance, and support to community college librarians conducting research or producing professional writing and presentations. Here, you'll find information on the research process, webinars and trainings, writing tips, links to opportunities for publishing and presenting, and featured writing and research from community college librarians.
To encourage and promote scholarly research conducted by community college librarians. To increase representation of community colleges within academic library scholarship, including institutional, library and student experiences and practices. To record and monitor submission and acceptance statistics of community college librarian proposals to ALA and ACRL national conferences. Membership on this committee will include the section’s vice-chair/chair-elect.
Current roster can be found on the ACRL/CJCLS Scholarly Research Committee page.