The program was held virtually on June 16, 2021. Brief description:
This virtual panel presentation included four science librarians & a moderator discussing remote/virtual instruction in the sciences - topics included: active learning in online environments, specific tool recommendations, equity & accessibility strategies, working with lab courses online, lessons learned from 2020/2021, and more!
Panelists included: Melissa Gold, Audrey Gunn, Eric Snajdr, Tammy Stitz. The panel was moderated by Becca Greenstein.
Recording link:
Taking on OER: Barriers and Limitations to OER Implementation in STEM
Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 2-3 p.m. Eastern
Recording Link:
STS Forum - Monday, June 24, 2019 from 9-10am @ Room 207A Washington Convention Center
In “Transforming Liaison Roles in Research Libraries” Janice M. Jaguzewski and Karen Williams state that as a result of “increasing pressure on researchers to plan and manage their output and growing adoption of open access publishing, research libraries are now compelled to understand and support all processes of instruction and scholarship which calls for an engagement model.” While the “engagement model” has been in use for many years, the nature of that work continues to evolve with new responsibilities for liaison librarians. We find ourselves needing to address areas such as data literacy, ethics, management, measuring research impact, and systematic reviews. This forum seeks to explore these new responsibilities, and their impact on librarianship and the liaison model. The ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group (HSIG) is co-sponsoring the event.
Our moderator is Aimee deChambea, Dean of University Libraries at the University of Akron. The presentations are:
OERs: Science Liaisons Strengthening the Academy with Open Resources
This panel presentation will focus on OERs in academic libraries, with an emphasis on STEM. OERs are flexible and quickly can be adapted to incorporate cutting-edge research, allowing for students to recognize and engage in scientific scholarship as a conversation in real time. Panelists will describe successful examples of librarian contributions to OER development at their institutions, as well as explore avenues for growth and innovation of our roles as this field continues to evolve. This STS program is co-sponsored in-name only by the ACRL Instruction Section (IS).