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ACRL/EBSS Education Guides Repository

A repository to a diverse sampling of Education Research Guides for librarians that have a liaison area in Education. It is designed to provide inspiration and ideas for your own guides.


The links below represent library guides on a variety of educational topics and trends. Some of the content is institution-specific, but other content is freely available. Check them out for inspiration on material to include as well as ways to organize your own guides. 

If you see this Reuse icon - Reuse - then that means that the Library Guide is available in Springshare's Community Guides and you can reproduce and adapt this guide to suit your context. As a courtesy, seek permission from the guide creator before reusing their guide. 

Quick steps to reuse a Guide (for more detailed instructions, see the homepage):

1. From LibGuides Home, go to "Create New Guides".

2. Click on "Choose Layout or Reuse" to select "Copy content/layout from an existing Guide".

3. From there, click on the Community Guides radio button, and search by Guide URL or title.

4. Populate desired fields to Create Guide.

Curriculum and Instruction

Education Law and Policy

Educational Leadership and Administration

Educational Technology and Online/Blended Learning

Open Access, Open Educational Resources (OER), and Copyright

Statistics and Data

Other Topics