Librarians using the information literacy framework in discipline-specific settings should consider how each frame relates to national standards for students and professionals. Illustrated in each box below are connections between the "Searching as Strategic Exploration" frame and the discipline of psychology as it relates to education and professional practice.
The following statements generally connect the "Searching as Strategic Exploration" frame to psychology education. Information discovery processes and practices in psychology are similar to those in other academic domains and professional disciplines. Knowledge about psychology ideas and concepts is discovered by:
The skills in this domain involve the development of scientific reasoning and investigation, including developing proficiencies in research methods and statistics. Research skills reflect having knowledge and respect for diversity-related issues when targeting samples in study design and data analysis. Research practice also includes an evaluation of the extent to which research findings can be generalized as applicable to groups beyond the research sample.
2.3 Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific research practices
2.3d Recognize that the focus of psychological research may narrowly reflect western concerns and biases
2.3D Incorporate international sources, including nonwestern researchers and samples, in research processes, where appropriate
Students develop psychological literacy, including applying knowledge of research skills necessary to be an informed consumer of research or a critic regarding unsupported claims about behavior. The skills in this category address the ability of students to build and maintain effective communication skills in processing and expressing information.
4.3 Provide evidence of psychological literacy
4.3a Accurately summarize general ideas and conclusions from psychological sources
4.3A Accurately summarize complex ideas and conclusions from psychological sources and research
4.3B Describe the characteristics and relative value of different kinds of information sources (e.g., primary vs. secondary, peer reviewed vs. non-reviewed, empirical vs. nonempirical)
4.3c Articulate criteria for identifying objective sources of psychological information
4.4 Exhibit appropriate technological skills to improve communication
4.4c Identify and navigate psychology databases and other legitimate sources of information to address psychological questions
4.4C Develop comprehensive and efficient strategies for locating and using relevant scholarship to investigate psychological questions
Principle A: Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
Principle C: Integrity
Principle D: Justice
Responsibility of the Individual Psychologist
Principle II: Responsible Caring
Principle IV: Responsibility to Society
1. Learning Objective: Students will obtain a deeper understanding of how to leverage academic citations by exploring the existing literature using both an article reference list and cited references.
2. Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of key subject-specific vocabulary related to the topic or subject area. Students will apply subject-specific vocabulary when formulating search queries for research purposes.
3. Learning Objective: Students will be able to understand and apply the concept that searching is an iterative process. They will create, refine, and revise search queries to retrieve relevant information efficiently across various psychology-specific platforms and databases.
4. Learning Objective: Seek guidance from experts.
5. Learning Objective: Students will develop skills in navigating online resources to locate information using appropriate vocabulary. Students will learn to recognize reliable sources within their field of study.
6. Learning Objective: Students will learn how to develop a psychological research question using the PICO model for further investigation using relevant scholarship.
Cross, H., Downey, A., & Thompson, A. (2023). Improving information literacy in introductory psychology through short, adaptive interventions. Teaching of Psychology.
World Health Organization. (2020). ANNEX 2: Questions in PICO format. In Improving early childhood Development: WHO guideline.