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Science and Technology Section (STS): Science Information Literacy Chat



The STS IL chat is sponsored by the Science & Technology Section's (STS) Information Literacy (IL) committee. STS is a section of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).

  • STS IL chats are intended to be a place where science librarians can gather to discuss topics related to instruction and information literacy. They are open to all, free-of-charge. 
  • Chats are held mid-month, approximately 5-10 times each year. They are announced on the STS-listserv approximately 1 to 2 weeks ahead of time.
  • Chats typically take place on Zoom platform and are recorded and archived. Links to the recordings have been sent out on the STS-listserv, but are also available on this guide.

History of STS-IL Chat

Perspective of STS-ILs Chat:

  • First mention of a Monthly chat was by Roxanne Bogucka (observer) on Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 04:42 pm 
    Tags: General News & Discussion. Held on  Friday, November 20, 2009, 11:00am to 12:00pm, US/Central (-6). 
    Hosted by  Elizabeth Berman ( and Roxanne Bogucka (, STS Information Literacy co-chairs.
  • The Chat has also been called various names and offered on various days, Last Wednesdays, Last Mondays, First Wednesdays.
  • A goal of the chat has been to use a platform that has the least amount of access steps to broaden interaction
  • Various platforms have been used: ALA.Connect, Facebook, and TinyChat
  • Used survey and anecdotal comments to develop a new chat-plan (2012-2013)
  • Annual meeting 2013, the committee changed the title to STS-IL Chat and plans to use ALA's Adobe Connect. We adopted a plan to deliver the Chat on the 15th of the month (changes to be on a workday) and invite guest speakers to deliver content to be discussed. An outline of possible chats was approved.

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