Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians
June 14 – 16 2022
Online Only
The 2022 Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians will be held from June 14th to the 16th and will be hosted by the University of Rochester. The Boot Camp is being planned by members from Miami University in Ohio, Ohio State University, Purdue University, Rochester Institute of Technology, SUNY Cortland, University at Buffalo, University of Chicago, University of Cincinnati and University of Rochester.
This immersive conference offers librarians an opportunity to learn about current research advancements in science. The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp will strive to cultivate an ongoing learning community of librarians providing research support for scientists. Whether you work with medical researchers, engineering undergrads, or physicists looking for the next nanoparticle, you’ll find something of interest at GLSBC 2022. Details will be added to our website as they are determined. Contact Sue Cardinal ( if you have any questions.
Theme: Community-Based Science Scholarship
The True North Science Boot Camp is a professional development program for librarians. Boot camp activities span three days and feature educational presentations delivered by scientists and engineers. Boot camp sessions provide opportunities for librarians to learn more about science and the research process, discuss best practices, and share ideas and experiences.
Librarians involved in supporting research in the sciences or engineering, or anyone with an interest in scientific research are welcome to participate.
The 2022 True North Science Bootcamp will be hosted virtually by MacEwan University on the following dates:
Register here:
As the conference is being held online, there will be no conference fee.
Join us for the 14th Annual New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians, to be held virtually on June 8, 2022. Our virtual host this year is Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).
Science Boot Camp is an immersive experience that provides librarians with the opportunity to network with peers and learn about topics in physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and technology.
The theme for this year’s camp is Personalized Medicine. Our Capstone session will be on Systematic Reviews.
Registration is now open!
For updates and more information, visit:
Science Boot Camp on Twitter: #sbc2022
For general questions, please contact
STEM Librarians South, now in its 12th year, is the first conference to focus solely on STEM librarianship. The conference brings together information professionals and academics to discuss current research, ideas, insights, and best practices that advance STEM research and education. Join us to present your latest work, learn from peers, and network with colleagues in a virtual setting.
Register now to get conference updates, Zoom links for the sessions, and additional information as the conference approaches.
Virtual Conference
University of Connecticut at Storrs, CT
Climate Change and Sustainability
June 2021
This conference will run throughout the day, with access via a single link for the whole day that attendees will receive after registering. You may tune in as you have time or for the topics that interest you the most. More information and a detailed schedule will be available closer to the date of the event. Please keep an eye on this page and on science librarian mailing lists for the save the date and registration announcements.
We look forward to seeing you online for a fun and informative conference! While this conference is being organized in New England, we welcome attendance for anyone and anywhere.
For questions about the website or the 2020 Boot Camp, please contact Melanie Radik,
True North Science Boot Camp - Save the Date and Early Registration
Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta, Canada will be hosting the True North Science Boot Camp virtually from Wednesday, May 26th to Friday May 28th 2021. The theme of the 2021 True North Science Boot Camp is Re-imagining Undergraduate Research. This annual event brings together librarians and STEM researchers for three days of exciting science lectures and social events, and provides opportunities for librarians to learn more about science and the research process, discuss best practices, and share ideas and experiences.
For more information visit
Registration is free, but spaces are limited. To register please visit
Have questions about True North Science Boot Camp 2021? Please contact us at:
Interested in hosting TNSBC 2022? Please contact us at to learn more about submitting a proposal.
The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians is an opportunity for librarians working with science researchers to learn more about researchers and their spaces.
This annual event includes talks from scientists and librarians, activities, and tours of science facilities. July 16-20, 2021
We regret to inform you of the cancellation of Southeast Science Bootcamp for Librarians 2020, scheduled for June 3rd – 5th in Tallahassee, Florida. This decision was made due to the ongoing impact of COVID19. All registrants will be fully refunded through Eventbrite.
However, we’re excited for the opportunity to host this boot camp next year!
Stay tuned for more information about SESBC 2021 at Florida State University in Tallahassee. If you have any questions, please contact us at
The SESBC 2020 Committee
ACRL Science & Technology Section Discussion List
Southeast Science Boot Camp 2020 – Registration is Now Open
Dates: June 3 - 5, 2020
Location: Tallahassee, Florida
This year, the 2020 Southeast Science Boot Camp for Librarians will be held for the first time in sunny Tallahassee, Florida at Florida State University from June 3 to 5.
This year’s boot camp provides an affordable opportunity for librarians to hear presentations about current scientific research, to hear “data blitz” talks from other science and health sciences librarians, and to network with librarians in the region. This year the theme is Energy, and we are planning an exciting slate of speakers and activities you won't want to miss!
For a preliminary schedule, speaker bios, and links to registration and a proposal submission form, please visit:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for info on speakers, schedules, and the upcoming call for “Date Blitz” speakers, and more!
Register here.
We can’t wait to see you here!
Topics will probably include, depending on speaker availability:
Tentative Schedule
The schedule of topics will be finalized and sent to all registrants soon. This conference will run throughout the day, with access via a single link for the whole day that attendees will receive after registering. You may tune in as you have time or for the topics that interest you the most. More information and a detailed schedule will be available closer to the date of the event. Please register to get the most updated information sent to you.
Registration is available at []
We look forward to seeing you online for a fun and informative conference! While we had to cancel our in-person conference this year, we hope you will take advantage of this free professional development opportunity. While this conference is being organized in New England, we welcome attendance for anyone and anywhere.
In addition, please save the date for June 2 - 4, 2021 for the annual in-person New England Science Bootcamp for Librarians conference that will be hosted by the University of Connecticut at Storrs, CT.
The New England Science Boot Camp Planning Committee
We regretfully announce that the New England Science Bootcamp for Librarians 2020 conference, scheduled for June 10-12 at the University of Connecticut, has been cancelled due to the impacts of COVID19 and the associated campus closures and travel restrictions.
We are discussing the possibility of a webinar or other virtual professional development opportunity on one of the original dates. Keep an eye out for updates here on the website and on your local science librarian listservs.
UConn will be hosting the conference in 2021, and we look forward to seeing you then!
Join us for the 12th Annual New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians, to be held on June 10-12, 2020 at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut.
Science Boot Camp is an immersive experience that provides librarians with the opportunity to network with peers and learn about topics in physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and technology.
The topics for this year’s SBC science sessions are still TBD! Registration will open in Spring 2020.
For updates and more information, visit:
Science Boot Camp on Twitter: #sciboot20
Dear colleagues
We regret to inform everyone that the True North Science Boot Camp, originally scheduled for June 10-12, 2020 at Mount Royal University in Calgary, has been postponed to spring 2021. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause, but feel it is necessary due to the risks posed by COVID-19.
Further details including specific dates will be shared with the community in late 2020.
Thank you for your continuing support. Further questions can be directed at
Save the date! Mount Royal University Library in Calgary, Alberta, is pleased to be hosting the True North Science Boot Camp from June 10-12, 2020 . The True North Science Boot Camp (TNSBC) is a professional development program for librarians involved in supporting research in the sciences or engineering. This year's conference theme is Re-imagining Undergraduate Research, and will feature a mix of scientists sharing their work and library-specific sessions on how to best support faculty and students.
All events will be held in the Riddell Library and Learning Centre on the Mount Royal University campus in southwest Calgary.
STEM Librarians South 2020
Please mark your calendars for the tenth annual STEM Librarians South meeting (formerly known as Texas STEM), which will take place at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, on July 16 & 17, 2020. The conference is not limited to those from Texas or the South – all are welcome!
A web site and registration information will be coming in the spring, along with a call for proposals.
The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2020 has been postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 situation.
Please be on the lookout for further information about GLSBC 2021, to be held at Ohio State, and also options for virtual events we will hold this coming summer.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me –
Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians
July 15-17, 2020
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Please save the date (July 15-17, 2020) for the Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians! This immersive 2 ½ day conference offers librarians an opportunity to learn about current research advancements in science. The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp will strive to cultivate an ongoing learning community of librarians providing research support for scientists. Whether you work with medical researchers, engineering undergrads, or physicists looking for the next nanoparticle, you’ll find something of interest at GLSBC 2020
Registration will open in Spring 2020.
Boot Camp website:
Contact Danny Dotson ( if you have any questions.
**** Le texte français suivra ****
Call for Proposals from Librarians
and will cover the themes the makerspace movement and community engagement in science and engineering. This annual event brings together librarians and STEM researchers for three days of exciting science lectures and social events, and provides opportunities for librarians to learn more about science and the research process, discuss best practices, and share ideas and experiences.
As with last year, we want to include the innovative work of STEM librarians as part of the broader program. We therefore invite proposals from colleagues wishing to share interesting work they are conducting on any aspect of STEM librarianship. Presentations should be brief, approximately 20 minutes, and will be followed by a question period. There is no requirement that librarian presentations necessarily conform to the conference theme.
Submission deadline: Monday, February 4, 2019, 5 PM
For more information, please visit:
To submit a proposal, please fill out our online form.
Have questions about True North Science Boot Camp 2019? Please contact us at:
Interested in hosting TNSBC 2020? Please contact us at to learn more about submitting a proposal.
Warm regards,
The True North Science Boot Camp 2019 organizing committee
Melissa Cheung, Co-Chair
Nigèle Langlois, Co-Chair
Ann Hemingway
Patrick Labelle
Yoo Young Lee
Evan Sterling
Appel à propositions pour les bibliothécaires
Le thème de la rencontre sera le mouvement maker et l'engagement communautaire en sciences et génie. Cette activité annuelle réunit des bibliothécaires et des chercheurs en STIM pour trois jours de conférences scientifiques et d'activités sociales passionnantes, et offre aux bibliothécaires l'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur la science et le processus de recherche, de discuter des meilleures pratiques et de partager leurs idées et leurs expériences.
Comme l’an dernier, nous désirons inclure dans la programmation de l’évènement le travail novateur des bibliothécaires impliqués dans le soutien des activités de recherche en sciences et en génie. Nous vous invitons donc à soumettre une proposition de communication pour une présentation sur vos travaux ou vos recherches en lien avec la bibliothéconomie scientifique. Les présentations doivent être brèves, approximativement 20 minutes, et seront suivies d’une période de questions. À noter que les présentations des bibliothécaires ne sont pas tenues de se conformer au thème de la rencontre.
Le True North Science Boot Camp est une petite organisation qui dispose de ressources modestes. Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre les coûts associés à la traduction simultanée si nous voulons maintenir le prix du Boot Camp à un niveau raisonnable. Toutes les présentations seront en anglais. Nous nous excusons pour cet inconvénient.
Date limite pour les soumissions: le lundi 4 février 2019, 17h00.
Pour plus d'informations :
Veuillez remplir notre formulaire en-ligne afin de soumettre votre proposition.
Pour plus d'informations sur True North Science Boot Camp 2019, veuillez communiquer avec nous à l’adresse courriel
Souhaitez-vous accueillir le TNSBC en 2020? Veuillez communiquer avec nous à pour en savoir plus sur comment soumettre une proposition.
Le comité organisateur du True North Science Boot Camp 2019
Melissa Cheung, Coprésidente
Nigèle Langlois, Coprésidente
Ann Hemingway
Patrick Labelle
Yoo Young Lee
Evan Sterling
This event will provide an affordable opportunity for librarians to hear presentations about current scientific research, to hear data blitz talks from other science and health sciences librarians, and to network with librarians in the region.
Are you interested in presenting? We are accepting proposals for data blitz presentations related to all aspects of STEM and health sciences librarianship.
Please check out the website for more information including a preliminary schedule, speaker bios, link to registration, and the proposal submission form.
If you have any questions, please contact me at
We hope to see you there!
2019 Southeast Science Boot Camp for Librarians Organizing Committee
Rachel Lane Walden, Richard Stringer-Hye, Debra Stephens, Elisabeth Shook & Stacy Johnson
Rachel Lane Walden
Rachel Lane Walden, MLIS | Librarian
Library Liaison for the School of Nursing
Eskind Biomedical Library | Vanderbilt University | 615-936-3459
Join us for the 11th Anniversary of the New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians, to be held on June 5-7, 2019 at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.
Science Boot Camp is an immersive experience that provides librarians with the opportunity to network with peers and learn about topics in physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and technology.
This year, we will be awarding scholarships for current library school students, early-career science librarians, and library staff.
The themes for this year’s SBC science sessions are:
Join us for the 11th Anniversary of the New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians, to be held on June 5-7, 2019 at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.
Science Boot Camp is an immersive experience that provides librarians with the opportunity to network with peers and learn about topics in physical sciences, health sciences, life sciences, and technology.
The topics for this year’s SBC science sessions are still TBD! Registration will open in Spring 2019.
For updates and more information, visit
Science Boot Camp on Twitter: #SciBoot19
For general questions, please contact Ellen Lutz at
Jess O’Toole on behalf of the New England Science Boot Camp Planning Group
Jess O’Toole
George C. Gordon Library
Research & Instruction Librarian
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01609
Join us at the University of Chicago for the 2019 Boot Camp!
The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians is an opportunity for librarians working with science researchers to learn more about researchers and their spaces.
This annual event includes talks from scientists and librarians, activities, and tours of science facilities.
"I was surprised Notre Dame (2016) had a glass blowing lab. It was a really cool space and Kiva Ford (the glassblower) has some great videos about his work online. Something totally unexpected!"
-Danny Dotson, OSU (organizer)
"Boot camp is unique in its combination of excellent presentations from scientists and librarians alike, in a campus setting with plenty of time for collegial conversation and engaging with researchers in lab and field tours. The focus on timely, important research in the Great Lakes region makes it especially relevant. Each boot camp (this will be my fifth!) has been highly rewarding - fascinating content and fun experiences. I always return to my library with renewed enthusiasm, a lot more knowledge, and ideas for improving our services and collections."
-Alison Ricker, Oberlin College
The True North Science Boot Camp (TNSBC) is a professional development program for librarians involved in supporting research in the sciences or engineering.