The Conference Program Planning Committee, in consultation with the incoming ULS chair, will select a program topic and speakers (in keeping with the ACRL Strategic Plan), secure program and budget approval from ACRL, and respond to all program proposal detail requests (e.g., room size, AV needs) from the ALA office for preliminary and final program copy for the annual conference program.
The Conference Program Planning Committee usually has at least four members, since there are duties to do during the program, and committee members are not expected nor required to attend Annual or the program.
The ULS chair appoints the committee in the spring when s/he is vice-chair. It is up to the vice-chair if s/he wants to join the Conference Program Planning Committee or appoint someone else to chair and serve as a member.
Unlike other committees, the Conference Program Planning Committee begins its work in the spring, before ALA Annual, so members are appointed earlier than most other ULS Committees. Terms are for two years and officially begin the year prior. For example, members of the committee for Chicago 2017 held appointments July 1, 2015-June 30, 2017, though their appointments and work actually began in spring 2016.
The Conference Program Planning Committee on ALA Connect: Post and find agendas, minutes, and committee happenings.
Please note that you will need to sign in to ALA Connect using your regular ALA web site username and password to access ACRL ULS committee content.
It is best to begin meeting immediately after or even before Annual, given that the proposal deadline is September 1. This Annual Conference Programs FAQ is extremely useful for deadlines, links, and more.
In consultation with the incoming ULS chair, select program topic and speakers (in keeping with the ACRL Strategic Plan), secure program and budget approval from ACRL, and respond to all program proposal detail requests (e.g., room size, AV needs) from the ALA office for preliminary and final program copy for the annual conference program. Note: ACRL’s Professional Development Committee (the body that reviews and selects proposals for ALA Annual) "strongly encourages units and/or individuals to cosponsor programs with other ACRL or ALA units and outside organizations" (Annual Conference Programs FAQ).
Note: Each vice-chair appoints a Conference Program Planning Committee, so there are two in existence at any given time, identified by the year of the ALA Annual Conference at which their program will be presented.
The committees use this online form to submit requests for promotion of committee and discussion group activities.