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ACRL/CJCLS Nominating Committee

This is a guide for current and potential offers in the Community & Junior College Libraries Section of ACRL

Vice-Chair / Chair Elect / Past-Chair Duties

The Vice-Chair serves successive one-year terms, first as Vice-Chair, then Chair, and finally as Past-Chair. The Vice-Chair will begin their term at the conclusion of ALA Annual 2024. The successful candidate will represent the section at leadership sessions at the Midwinter and Annual conferences during their term as Vice-Chair and Chair.

Vice-chair candidates might be expected but not required to represent the section at ACRL Leadership Council meetings, which typically take place in conjunction with ALA conferences. They will continue to represent the section at leadership sessions at Annual conferences during their term as vice-chair and chair.

Vice-chair candidates should understand that, if elected, they will assume responsibility for the various administrative duties involved in leading the section, including but not limited to: appointing committee members, submitting section meeting room requests for ALA conferences, drafting and distributing executive committee agendas, and submitting the section’s annual Plan for Excellence Implementation Report to ACRL.

Calendar -- Draft

Month Responsibility
Immediately following Annual Conference Begin term of office at the close of the final day of the Annual Conference
July  Confirm lists of Committee members to ACRL for inclusion in ALA Connect CJCLS Executive Committee.
July or August

Hold a Committee chairs orientation to familiarize chairs with CJCLS Executive Committee.

September - June Hold CJCLS Executive Committee Meetings 

CJCLS Executive Committee meets virtually as scheduled by the Chair, allowing everyone the opportunity to attend.