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ACRL/CJCLS Nominating Committee

This is a guide for current and potential offers in the Community & Junior College Libraries Section of ACRL

Member-at-Large Duties

Member-at-large is a newly created Executive Committee position. The incumbent's role varies from year to year and might include a special project or appointment to an ad hoc committee or task force. Candidates should be flexible and proactive, volunteering to contribute as opportunities arise.

The two Members-at-Large have staggered terms, alternating election cycles.


Month Responsibilities
Immediately following Annual Conference Begin term of office at the close of the final day of the Annual Conference. 
July Between conferences, stay in touch with CJCLS Executive Board. 
August - December Attend CJCLS Executive meetings and work on assigned projects and/or liaison work. Option to join a CJCLS Committee as ex-officio.
January - June Attend CJCLS Executive meetings and work on assigned projects and/or liaison work.
June If scheduled for in-person, attend CJCLS Executive meetings at the Annual Conference.


CJCLS Executive Committee meets virtually as scheduled by the Chair, allowing everyone the opportunity to attend.