Scholarly resources in Scandinavian Studies, including Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The resources organized here are all freely available and have undergone a selection and evaluation process.
(Universitetet i Oslo) - includes biographical and other information, as well as the international Ibsen bibliography (Den internasjonale Ibsen-bibliografien), with English pages.
[URL has changed and is now hosted on WESSWeb website] (Scandinavian Studies Web/Capital Children's Museum) - a bibliography for "Trolls, Mrs. Pepperpot and Beyond: Celebrating Norwegian Children's Books," a traveling exhibit by Capital Children's Museum, Washington, D.C.
Norwegian Literature Abroad. NORLA is a government-funded, non-commercial foundation which provides information on Norwegian literature and Norwegian authors.
A digital collection of Danish authors from the Middle Ages to the 1930s. Done by Det Kongelige Bibliotek and Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. A few additional titles are available from the Dansk Nationallitterært Arkiv.
(by John Tebbutt) - a hypertext-based tool which allows the user to search and reference Icelandic grammar, including hyperlink examples between sections.