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ACRL Liaisons to Professional Associations: Major Issues, Talking Points, and Resources

Main Talking Points

Additional Resources

1.  Valueography – Highlighting Key Publications and Presentations

2.  Fishel, Terri. Nov. 2013. “Changing Library Spaces: How do they contribute to the student experience and how does one measure those contributions?” Valueography blog post Nov 13, 2023.

3.  SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries in the UK and Ireland) resources available at “SCONUL promotes awareness of the role of academic libraries in supporting research excellence and student achievement and employability,”

4. SCONUL sponsors a library design award each year. 2013 winners are highlighted at

5.  ACRL & LLAMS Academic Library Building Design: Resources for planning

6.    EDUCAUSE Library: Learning Space: EDUCAUSE publications

7.   ARL Space, Facilities & Services web page provides a wealth of resources at

8.   Learning Space Toolkit at

North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries and its Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications (DELTA) are partnering with strategic consultants Brightspot Strategy and AECOM to design, share, and promote an updated model for institutions to plan and support technology-rich informal learning spaces. This Learning Space Toolkit will include a roadmap to guide the process along with tools and techniques for assessing needs, understanding technology, describing spaces, planning and delivering support services, and assembling space, technology, and services to meet needs, even as they change.

9.  Hunley, S., & Schaller, M. (2009) Assessment: the Key to Creating Spaces that Promote Learning. Educause Review,
(2), 26-34.

A multiyear study examined how to create learning spaces that promote learning. Findings revealed that campus culture, social climate, and environmental press influence the effectiveness of learning spaces; learning spaces can encourage or constrain behavior; and students and faculty engage in a full range of learning behaviors when environments are constructed to optimize interaction between faculty and students inside and outside of the classroom, when there is high engagement with course material, and when the atmosphere encourages students and faculty to behave as if serious work is taking place. Moreover, students will use any space for learning activities if the space is so designed, students and faculty are accustomed to a variety of space options that serve their needs, an engaging environment requires careful furniture selection, and the most engaging classes provide opportunities for faculty to work together to delivery course content and use shared spaces to meet learning outcomes.