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ACRL Liaisons to Professional Associations: Major Issues, Talking Points, and Resources

Main Talking Points

Open Textbooks Resources

Allen, I.E. and Seaman, J. (2014). Opening the curriculum: Open educational resources in American higher education 2014. Babson Survety Group. Retrieved from

Bell, S. (2015). Start a textbook revolution, Continued: Librarians lead the way with open educational resources. Library Issues, 35(5).

Bell, S. (2015) Stephen Bell's resource page on OER and alternate textbooks. Retrieved from

Grodecka, K, & Sliwowski K. (2014) OER mythbusting. European Open Edu Policy Project. Retrieved from

Robinson, J. (2014). The impact of open textbooks on secondary science learning outcomes. Educational Researcher, (43)7, 341-351.


  • McKerlich, R., Ives, C. McGreal, R. (2014). Measuring the use and creation of open access educational resources in higher education. International review of research in open anc distance learning, 14(4),90-103. 
  • Shank, J. (2014). Interactive open educational resources: A guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there to transform college teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.


CompendiumLD Learning Design Softward

What is CompendiumLD?

CompendiumLD is a software tool for designing learning activities using a flexible visual interface. It is being developed as a tool to support lecturers, teachers and others involved in education to help them articulate their ideas and map out the design or learning sequence. Feedback from users suggests the process of visualising design makes their design ideas more explicit and highlights issues that they may not have noticed otherwise. It also provides a useful means of representing their designs so that they can be shared with others. CompendiumLD provides a set of icons to represent the components of learning activities; these icons may be dragged and dropped, then connected to form a map representing a learning activity.

CompendiumLD comes with predefined sets of icons, some generic and some specific to learning design. The creation of a map is simple, users drag icons across and can start to build up relationships between these through connecting arrows.