Double blind review is intended to provide an objective and fair method for reviewing research papers: the ahe reviewers are not known to the author submitting the paper and the author is not identified to the reviewers. It is true that, in emerging areas of research or specialization where there are few recognized experts, it is possible that the reviewers can make an educated guess as to the author and vice versa. However, the editorial team does what it can to maintain the blind review and to encourage reviewers to respect the anonymity of the author in the process.
The blind standard is highly dependent on the author submitting a manuscript without any overtly identifying information such as "Authors’ titles, names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses," as indicated by the Instructions for Authors. That said, context may be an important aspect of the research paper - the type or size of the library, the region of the country, the position and responsibilities being discussed (which are arguably the authors') may provide background that illuminates the study.
In most cases, it is enough to genericize how the organization is mentioned in the paper – i.e., change University of Oregon to a University in the Western US or some similar reference. In many cases, the author will use single consistent phrase that can be easily updated with a Find/Replace function once the submission is accepted.
Under no circumstances should the authors' names be included in an identifying way in the text. That said, if the submission builds on previous research published by the submitting authors, this research should be cited just as they would cite a different author's work that was relevant to the study.