Email sent to EBSS-L 09/21/2017
Subject: EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee Emails on Open Access Topics
Dear EBSS Librarians—
This year’s theme for International Open Access Week (Oct. 24-30) is “Open in Action.” As Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC, notes, “As Open Access becomes a more and more familiar concept, we must focus on the small steps everyone can take to make openness in research a reality.”
In celebration of Open Access Week, during the month of October, members of the EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee will be posting a few messages to the EBSS list with information about selected OA topics and suggestions for engaging faculty members and graduate students in conversation.
It is our hope that these emails will inspire you to learn more about Open Access, and to reach out to faculty and graduate students to discuss Open Access topics during the month of October.
We welcome your feedback on this project. Thank you.
Ericka Arvidson Raber
Chair, EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee
NOTE: The following message was included in each topic mailing to restate the purpose of the email to EBSS-L and to solicit feedback:
Dear EBSS Librarians,
During the Open Access month of October, members of the EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee will post weekly messages about open access (OA) topics that include suggestions for how to engage graduate students and faculty members in conversation.
In this post, we provide brief overview of [OA Topic Spotlighted].
Please provide feedback on our initiative so we may improve it in future:
Posted to EBSS-L 10/5/2016
Subject: Open Access Week 2016: OA - A general introduction
Open Access IS:
“the free, immediate, online availability of research articles coupled with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment.” [1]
“ensures that anyone can access and use these results—to turn ideas into industries and breakthroughs into better lives.” [2]
a framework which in most cases requires attribution of the creator of the information
Open Access IS NOT:
the giving away of an author’s rights to intellectual content.
exclusive of “copyright, peer review, revenue (even profit), print, preservation, prestige, quality, career-advancement, indexing, and other features and supportive services associated with conventional scholarly literature.” [3]
Selected Open Access Topics
OA Publications - How open is open?
Open Access Spectrum - Download PDF Guide
Creative Commons Licensing
Want to learn more?
Start the Conversation
Share Open Access information with your faculty & graduate students
Schedule a workshop or lunch and learn for faculty & graduate students
Identify who on your campus is engaging with Open Access, and highlight their efforts. Look for faculty who are: publishing in OA journals, creating or using OERs, or depositing Open Data
Are you new to OA?
Read up on OA to become familiar with what it is or isn’t so you can answer questions at a level with which you’re comfortable. ALA Open Access for LIbrarians:
Identify your local expert and discuss ways to refer higher level questions to her or him.
Are you somewhat knowledgeable about OA?
Advise faculty on ways to make their work more open.
Identify relevant OA journals for program areas in your university community, either generally, or by subject area. Curate a list and maintain a guide to this information.
Help faculty deposit presentations or posters (or other largely ephemeral information) into your institutional repository
Are you experienced with OA?
Help faculty strategize how to disseminate their work more broadly (e.g., deposit pre- or post-prints in an open repository to increase access)
Help faculty understand author addenda, such as the SPARC Author Addendum [4]
Share and discuss these examples:
Deborah Lupton - Open Access for Academics (humanities and social sciences) [Slideshare]
Erin McKiernan – Right to Research Workshop [Slideshare presentation]
What can I do? (A Guide for Faculty & Graduate Students)
Schedule an appointment with a librarian versed in my subject area to learn about OA in my area of research. Questions I can ask:
[2] Ibid.
[3] Suber, Peter. “Open Access Overview.” June 21, 2004. Revised, December 5, 2015.
Sent to EBSS-L list on 10/13/2016
Subject: Open Access Week 2016: Open Data
Dear EBSS Librarians,
During the Open Access month of October, members of the EBSS Scholarly Communication Committee will post weekly messages about open access (OA) topics that include suggestions for how to engage graduate students and faculty members in conversation.
This week’s post is about Open Data.
Please provide feedback on our initiative so we may improve it in future:
Open Data is:
Though not every scholar is ready to make all of their data completely open, even helping them take small steps towards open data can begin to have a big impact…
The impact of Open Data:
What can librarians do?
Want to learn more?
Why Open Access (OA): open-access literature is free and available to anyone. Researchers anywhere in the world can read the scholarly output published in an open-access journal. In other words, a local teacher who does not have access to the journals subscribed to by university libraries can read the latest research findings published in an OA journal without running into a paywall.
Gold vs. Green: open access comes in two flavors.
How OA journals support themselves: Rather than charging readers a subscription fee, gold OA journals often use the "author-pays" model in which they charge authors an article processing charge (APC). Many authors charge these funds to their research grants. A number of institutions offer funds to help their authors pay for article processing charges. See the SPARC Campus Open Access Funds guide for more details.
OA Journals in Education (all of the gold OA journals listed below are peer-reviewed and online)
Hybrid journals: It should be noted that many traditional, subscription-based journals allow authors to pay an article processing fee to make an article freely available. This is known as the “hybrid model”. Below is a very selective list of high impact hybrid journals and their open access fees:
Green Open Access: Authors who cannot afford to publish an article in an OA journal that charges APCs and who cannot draw on research grants or campus open access funds to help pay for an article processing charge, can take the green route by posting a final author version of their article on a campus open-access repository. Most journal publishers give authors this right; there are no author costs involved in green OA.
How to engage your constituents: start the conversation
Margaret Phillips
Librarian, Social Sciences Division
Education/Psychology Library, 2600 Tolman Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Moving Beyond the Journal Impact Factor
How do you show the impact of your research, teaching, and service?
We are no longer limited to the Journal Impact Factor to demonstrate the impact of our work. PLoS gave us article-level metrics and the altmetrics* movement has given us an abundance of data to indicate how people are engaging with our work online. Altmetrics can help paint a fuller picture of how our work affects the world, both inside and outside of academia. Altmetrics are also available for many of the products you already create that may not generate citations: presentations, white papers, teaching materials, code, and data. While no metric can measure the quality of a work, there are many metrics (e.g., altmetrics) in addition to the impact factor. These metrics, along with qualitative context, can describe the attention, discussion, readership, and reuse your work is getting beyond formal citation in journal articles. Plus, altmetrics begin to accrue much earlier than citations, which is particularly useful for early career tenure-track faculty.
“Altmetrics offer four potential advantages:
(Heather Piwowar, 2013)
Piwowar, H. (2013). Introduction altmetrics: What, why and where? Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(4), 8-9.
Start the conversation (Librarian Activities)
*New to research metrics, especially altmetrics?
Have some experience with publication and altmetrics?
Making progress: Advise faculty on ways to make their work more open
Are you a metrics wonk or master of scholarly communication?
Help faculty strategize how to disseminate their work more broadly (e.g., deposit pre- or post-prints in an open repository to increase access) and gather evidence of attention and impact; Help them to aggregate and present evidence to support their narrative for promotion and tenure or in a grant proposal.
Share and discuss these examples:
Key resources for Librarians
A practical guide to altmetrics for Librarians (Natalia Madjarevic, Altmetric)
10 ways librarians can support altmetrics (Natalia Madjarevic, Altmetric)
What can I do? (Faculty & Graduate Student Activities)
Key resources for Researchers
Quick & dirty guide to building your online reputation (Stacy Konkiel, Altmetric)
30-day Impact Challenge (Stacy Konkiel, ImpactStory)
Altmetric and Kudos: like peanut butter and jelly (Cat Williams, Altmetric)
The use of altmetrics in promotion & tenure (Konkiel, Sugimoto, & Williams)
Heather Coates, MLS, MS
Digital Scholarship and Data Management Librarian
IUPUI University Library - Center for Digital Scholarship
Phone: (317) 278-7125