SLILC's Open Education and Professional Development Team (OEPD) offers ongoing professional development opportunities. Materials from past OEPD events are available in the OEPD Team LibGuide.
ACRL Roadshows are workshops that you can request for your campus, chapter, or consortia. Led by expert presenters, these one-day immersive workshops are designed to engage participants and help academic librarians strengthen competencies in multiple areas of concentration. Please contact ACRL Program Officer Chase Ollis at or (312) 280-2521 to discuss dates and locations, pricing, and for complete workshop details.
Engaging with the ACRL Framework
Throughout this workshop participants will explore concepts and pedagogical approaches outlined in the Framework and their significance to their own instructional work. Attendees will apply their learning and reflection to creating instruction plans for their local contexts and considering possibilities for growing teaching partnerships. More specifically, participants will:
ACRL offers a variety free but high-quality professional development opportunities on a variety of topics that are relevant to information literacy and student learning. These include ACRL Presents webcasts, online discussion forums, and the ACRL-Choice webinar program.