The Notable Works for Library Support of Graduate Students Working Group thank everyone for their nominations to our innaugural annual Notable Works List.
Our goal is to recognize and showcase excellent professional contributions that inform the work of library colleagues who support graduate students. Submissions included projects and publications by library workers or by researchers in related fields who shed light on important elements of serving graduate students. The 2022 list is dedicated to Mandy Havert, Graduate Outreach & Research Services Librarian for the University of Notre Dame, who passed away on October 21st, 2021. Mandy was instrumental in the creation and work of the inaugural list and is greatly missed.
Categories of work considered included:
The Notable Works for Library Support of Graduate Students Working Group is:
Notable Works (in no particular order)
Kelly, M. (2021). RefWorks power hour & on demand: Developing a virtual support service and training program for students [Presentation]. Ex Libris Southcentral Users Group (ELSUG): Transformation and Innovation 2021 Conference.
From the working group: A training program developed by Northcentral University librarians for graduate students on how to use ProQuest RefWorks, a citation management tool. Discusses the development and execution of the RefWorks Power Hour which include synchronous and asynchronous options as well as the comprehensive LibGuide.
Schultz, T. A., Bucy, R., Hunsaker, A., Shannon, A., Klenke, C., Winterman, M., & Arrieta Baro, I. (2021). Manuscript Accepted! Collaborating on a scholarly publishing symposium for graduate students and early career academic faculty. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 9(1), p.eP2385.
From the working group: The University of Nevada, Reno Libraries developed a full-day symposium to offer graduate students workshop and panel sessions promoting how the Libraries can help navigate scholarly publishing. Planning and assessment of the events offer insight into how to develop a successful and well attended event; this event type could easily be replicated or adapted for other institutions
Quinn, B. (2021). Establishing the fake news-pseudoscience connection in a workshop for graduate students. In C. Benjis-Small, C. Wittig, & M.K. Oberlies. (Eds)., Teaching about fake news: Lesson plans for different disciplines and audiences. pp. 191-204; Association of College & Research Libraries.
From the working group: Quinn argues that librarians should be raising student awareness of pseudoscience. This book chapter addresses many aspects of pseudoscience, including its history, psychology, and cultural implications, and ends with detailed instructions of a graduate-level workshop replete with learning activities, preparation instructions, teaching plan, helpful hints, and recommended readings.
Rumble, Juliet T.; Grabowsky, Adelia B.; Weisbrod, Elizabeth J.; and Dodge, Timothy, (2021). Bridging the Skills Gap: A Boot Camp for Graduate Students. Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 22.
From the working group: Librarians at Auburn University presented a deep dive into feedback from participants in their boot camp style workshop for graduate students. The assessment includes both quantitative and qualitative data, both of which provide insights not just in the needs of graduate students, but in how to assess a boot camp, as well. The data reveals important takeaways that could be adapted by other libraries.
Kline, E. (2022). Graduate student intellectual journeys: a functional method to identify library service gaps. Reference Services Review. pp. 249-266.
From the working group: This research paper draws on interviews with faculty members at the University of Arizona to map the intellectual journeys of graduate students from various disciplines. Kline’s unique approach to understanding the graduate research experience offers valuable insights for how librarians can optimally reach graduate students in the various phases of their research process.
Kelly, M. (2021). Creating a support system for online graduate students learning new software [Poster]. (TLGS) 2022 Virtual Conference.
From the working group: The poster depicts the efforts of a librarian from the Northcentral University to create RefWorks workshops for online graduate students from grounds up and the strategies employed to support them. Both synchronous and asynchronous options are discussed along with assessment information. The information shared will help others wanting to start similar workshops at their institurions.
Stacy L. Winchester and Amie Dillard Freeman. (2020). SHARPGrads: Assessment of a Research Skills Workshop Program for Graduate Students at the University of South Carolina. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication.
From the working group: Creating a conference-style, 2-day workshop, the University of South Carolina Digital Research Services team developed 14 workshop sessions around the themes of: data management, data visualization, scholarly communication, and much more. Sessions are tailored for graduate students and are intended to “make graduate students competitive in the job market.”
Also Noteworthy (in no particular order)
Lehnen, C. A. (2021).Skills, support networks, and socialization: Needs of dissertating graduate students.The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(5) 102430.
From the working group: This study marries information theory and socialization discourse to explore the needs of humanities and social sciences graduate students throughout their dissertation journey. Though the results are specific to University of Illinois Chicago, the detailed methods and analysis provide an exemplary model for librarians who may want to do similar studies at their own institutions.
Special Recognition
Proceedings of the Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students (TLGS) 2022 Virtual Conference. 4th Beennial Conference. March 16-17, 2022
From the working group: Although the submitted proceedings were from 2022, the committee wished to recognize the multiple years work of the conference and all the presenters who have participated.