The Future of University Libraries Discussion Group organizes discussions on new directions in university libraries and their impact on future practices, services, and resources.
This discussion group usually has ten to twelve members. See current discussion group roster.
The Future of University Libraries Discussion Group on ALA Connect: Post and find agendas, minutes, and committee happenings.
Please note that you will need to sign in to ALA Connect using your regular ALA web site username and password to access ACRL ULS committee content.
The Future of University Libraries Discussion Group organizes and hosts discussion group meetings at ALA Annual Conferences by determining the general topic of discussion and writing a brief summary of the literature for distribution to discussion group attendees. For ALA Midwinter meetings, the Discussion Group sends out a call for proposals for ULS members to present and lead an online discussion.
The committees use this online form to submit requests for promotion of committee and discussion group activities.