The Mid-Level Managers Discussion Group provides a forum for discussion and presentations on current topics of interest to mid-level managers in academic libraries.
The Mid-Level Managers Discussion group usually has five to six members. See current discussion group roster.
The Mid-Level Managers Discussion Group on ALA Connect: Post and find agendas, minutes, and committee happenings.
Please note that you will need to sign in to ALA Connect using your regular ALA web site username and password to access ACRL ULS committee content.
The Mid-Level Managers Discussion Group plans agendas for two virtual discussion groups which typically take place in January and in June. The Discussion Group members determine topics and format via email or virtual meetings. Agendas for previous discussion groups have included a call sent out on relevant e-mail distribution lists for proposals to present a topic or lead a discussion as well as a convener-led group discussion on relevant topics identified by group members.
The committees use this online form to submit requests for promotion of committee and discussion group activities.