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ACRL Appointments Committee: Committee Volunteer Information: Value of Academic Libraries Committee

Those interested in volunteering for an ACRL Division-Level Committee will find all the information they need to research committee options, including the work of each committee and the time commitments expected for volunteers.


To oversee and coordinate ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries Initiative as described in the strategic plan; work with the ACRL Board and other ACRL units in creating a comprehensive effort including coalition building, professional development, publications, research, advocacy, and consultation services and in developing the ACRL Value website; and monitor and assess the effectiveness of the Value Initiative.

Committee Information

What is the main work of the committee?

The primary work of the VAL committee is to oversee and coordinate ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries Initiative as described in the strategic plan; work with the ACRL Board and other ACRL units in creating a comprehensive effort including coalition building, professional development, publications, research, advocacy, and consultation services and in developing the ACRL Value website; and monitor and assess the effectiveness of the Value Initiative. In addition to the work of the committee, we also oversee the work of two ACRL Roadshows: Assessment in Action and Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.

What are the busy times of year for the committee?

August & September: Annual Report & Work Plan submission
September & October: Subcommittees formed and begin meeting to carry out the work outlined in the work plan
March - June: Launch programs / host webinars and professional development sessions

On average, what time commitment does being a member of the committee require?

3-4 hours per month

What skills or expertise would be valuable in a member of the committee?

We recognize that a diversity of skills and expertise across committee membership creates a rich and inclusive experience. In particular, we encourage individuals who are collaborative and wish to be actively engaged in helping to advance VAL initiatives to apply.

Is there anything else someone thinking of volunteering for the committee should know?

All types and levels of professional experience are welcome in this committee. Many of the committee members are directly involved in library assessment, while many others are in positions of library leadership.

We appreciate volunteers from all types of academic libraries (junior colleges, community colleges, 4-year, doctoral granting, etc) and at all stages of librarianship who are interested in and dedicated to demonstrating the value of academic libraries.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of the committee’s work, from your perspective?

The most enjoyable aspect of the committee's work is to 1) be able to contribute skills and expertise into the field; 2) being able to create and develop activities and programs that immediately impact the academic libraries by collaborating with committee members.


Questions answered by 2021-2022 Chair/Co-Chair