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Sociology and Anthropology
Association of Religion Data Archives -- Data Archives
Provides quantitative data about various facets of religion within the United States, such
as church membership, religious groups, and religious professionals.
Central Intelligence Agency -- The World Factbook
Houses data and statistics for 267 geographic entities on a vast range of topics, including history, people, economics, geography, and communications.
European Commission -- Eurostat
Maintains detailed collection of statistics pertaining to counties in the European Union on topics, including population and social statistics, economy and finance, science and technology, and environment and energy.
Offers statistical information from 100+ federal agencies on topics that include the economy, population, crime, and health.
The National Data Program for the Sciences -- The General Social Survey
Collects data on the structure and development of American society, starting in 1972 to present, with questions that are demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal in nature.
Pew Research Center -- Global Attitudes & Trends
Consists of data garnered from public opinions polls of 60+ countries on a multitude of
contemporary social, political, and economic topics. Able to filter and download data sets by year.
Registry of Anthropological Data Wiki
Offers field notes, data, and ethnographic source materials in many digital and physical anthropology archives.
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
Primary statistical agency of the Department of Justice.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Lists statistics on many categories pertaining to labor within the United States with subtopics that include unemployment, pay, time use, and workplace injuries.
U.S. Census Bureau
Provides collection of services and products for accessing and analyzing statistical data
pertaining to the U.S. Census and related topics.
World Bank -- Poverty Data
Collaborates with national institutions and development agencies to obtain and present information on poverty and related indicators on a global scale. Focuses on extent and roots of poverty/inequality and public policy.
World Health Organization -- Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data
Offers data on top global health priorities with themes that include diseases, mortality, urban health, and child health. Include information on trends, major publications, core indicators, and links to related websites on theme pages.