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Information Literacy in the Disciplines

This guide contains links and citations to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education

Information Literacy in the Disciplines: Economics

The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations related to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education in Economics.

See also Information Literacy in the Disciplines: Business.

Last updated April 2018.

1. Standards or Guidelines from Accrediting Agencies and Professional Associations

Accrediting Agencies & Professional Associations

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International- Accreditation Standards

American Economic Association (AEA) (accessed June 7, 2017)

American Economic Association (AEA) Committee on Education (accessed April 8, 2012)

Council for Economic Education (accessed April 8, 2012) – K-12 emphasis

International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) (accessed April 26, 2018).


The Committee is not aware of any information literacy standards in this area that are endorsed by accrediting agencies or professional associations, with the exception of:

AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, International). 2016. “Eligibility Procedures and Accreditation Standards for Business Accreditation.”

AACSB Standard 9: mentions that advanced research skills are expected of students in Ph.D. and certain M.A. programs.

2. Related Research

Costa, Cathy. 2009. “Use of online information resources by RMIT University economics, finance, and marketing students participating in a cooperative education program.” Australian Academic & Research Libraries 40, no.1: 36-49.

Creese, Jennifer. 2011. “Self- and Cohort-Directed Design in Research Training Tutorials for Undergraduate Researchers: Increasing Ownership and Relevance to Improve Learning Outcomes.” Journal Of Academic Librarianship 37, no. 4: 327-332.

DeLoach, Stephen B., Elizabeth Perry-Sizemore, and Mary O. Borg. 2012. “Creating Quality Undergraduate Research Programs in Economics: How, When, Where (and Why).” American Economist 57, no. 1: 96-110.

Hansen, W. Lee. 2001. “Expected Proficiencies for Undergraduate Economics Majors.” Journal of Economic Education 32, no. 3: 231-242.

Klusek, Louise, and Jerry Bornstein. 2006. “Information Literacy Skills for Business Careers.” Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship 11, no. 4: 3-21.

McGoldrick, KimMarie. 2008. “Doing Economics: Enhancing Skills through a Process-Oriented Senior Research Course.” Journal of Economic Education 39, no. 4: 342-356.

Reyes, Jessica Wolpaw. 2010. “Teaching the Art of Economic Research in a Senior Seminar.” American Economist 55, no. 2: 111-123.

Sicilian, Paul, Gerald Simons, and Marie McKendall. 2012. “Using Economics Courses to Teach and Assess Basic Information Literacy.” Journal Of The Academy Of Business Education 13: 90-104.