The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education for Film/Cinema Studies.
Last updated May 2020
National Association of Schools of Theatre
National Association of Schools of Art and Design
University Film and Video Association
Anderson, Byron. 2007. “Information ‘Literacies.’” Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 26 (2): 63-65.
Barber, Sian. 2015. Using Film as a Source. IHR Research Guides. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Detmering, Robert. 2010. “Exploring the Political Dimensions of Information Literacy through Popular Film.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy. 10 (3): 265-282. DOI:10.1353/pla.0.0110
Hobbs, . 2019. The Library Screen Scene: Film and Media Literacy in Schools, Colleges, and Communities. Oxford University Press.
Hovet, Ted. 2006. “The Teacher as Exhibitor: Pedagogical Lessons from Early Film Exhibition.” Pedagogy 6 (2): 327-335.
Koltay, Tibor. 2011. “The Media and the Literacies: Media Literacy, Information Literacy, Digital Literacy.” Media, Culture & Society 33 (2): 211-221.
McEntee, Joy. 2007. “Inducing Double Vision, or Does the ‘Threshold Concept’ Account for How Students Learn about the Hollywood Film?” Australasian Journal of American Studies 26 (2): 136-52.
Peterson, Nedra. 2010. “It Came From Hollywood: Using Popular Media To Enhance Information Literacy Instruction.” College & Research Libraries News 71 (2): 66-74.
Petrie, Duncan, and Rod Stoneman. 2014. Educating Film-Makers: Past, Present and Future. Chicago: Intellect. [*especially “The Academic and the Creative” chapter]
Salisbury, Fiona, and Jenny Ellis. 2003. “Online and Face‐to‐Face: Evaluating Methods for Teaching Information Literacy Skills to Undergraduate Arts Students.” Library Review 52 (5): 209-217.
Steager, Pam, Liz Deslauriers, and Renee Hobbs. 2019. The Library Screen Scene: Film and Media Literacy in Schools, Colleges, and Communities. Oxford University Press.
Tomasulo, Frank P. 2012. “Teaching Film Studies in a Production Context.” In Teaching Film, edited by Lucy Fischer and Patrice Petro, 323-336. New York: Modern Language Association of America.
Baker, Neal. 2013. “Film Studies.” Information Literacy Instruction that Works: A Guide to Teaching by Discipline and Student Population, edited by Patrick Ragains, 145-154. 2nd ed. Chicago: ALA Neal Schuman. [several lesson plans]
Center for Media and Social Impact. 2005. “Documentary Filmmakers’ Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use.” American University School of Communication. [resources for engaging all film students with copyright and reuse/fair use. Assignment ideas and scenarios under Teaching Tools]
Corrigan, Timothy. 2015. A Short Guide to Writing about Film. With Graham Corrigan. Boston: Pearson. [student introduction to different modes of writing, including research assignments]
Temple University Libraries. “Film Assignment.” Last modified March 31, 2020.
Warner, Dorothy Ann. 2008. “Recommended Sequence for Bibliographic and Information Literacy for a New Program: Film Studies.” A Disciplinary Blueprint for the Assessment of Information Literacy. 19-24. Westfield, CT: Libraries Unlimited.