The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education in Art.
National Association of Schools of Art & Design (NASAD)
Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
Visual Literacy Today ( Includes a list of frameworks, standards, and strategies for visual literacy competency)
Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries of North America. Chicago: University of Chicago.
Art Libraries Journal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Beaudoin, Joan. “Image and Text: A Review of the Literature Concerning the Information Needs and Research Behaviors of Art Historians.” Art Documentation 22, no. 2 (2005): 34-37.
Bennett, Hannah. “Bringing the Studio into the Library: Addressing the Research Needs of Studio Art and Architecture Students.” Art Documentation 25, no. 1 (2006): 38-42.
Carter, Sarah, Heather Koopmans, and Alice Whiteside. 2018. “Crossing the Studio Art Threshold: Information Literacy and Creative Populations.” Communications in Information Literacy 12, no. 1 (2018): 36-55.
Daichendt, G. James. Artist Scholar: Reflections on Writing and Research. Chicago: Intellect, 2012.
Garcia, Larissa, and Jessica Labette. “Threshold Concepts as Metaphors for the Creative Process: Adapting the Framework for Information Literacy to Studio Art Classes.” Art Documentation 34, no. 2 (2015): 235-248.
Gasper-Hulvat, Marie. “Active Learning in Art History: A Review of Formal Literature.” Art History Pedagogy & Practice 2, no. 1 (2017).
Gendron, Heather, and Eva Sclippa. “Where Visual and Information Literacies Meet: Redesigning Research Skills Teaching and Assessment for Large Art History Survey Courses.” Art Documentation 33, no. 2 (2014): 327-344.
Hattwig, Denise, Kaila Bussert, Ann Medaille, and Joanna Burgess.“Visual Literacy Standards in Higher Education: New Opportunities for Libraries and Student Learning.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 13, no. 1 (2013): 61-89.
National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). “Studio art and design and research: Multiple relationships and possibilities.” NASAD Policy Analysis Paper, 2005.
Petraits, Ellen. “Assessing the Impact of Library Instruction on Studio-Based Research: Developing a Qualitative Model.” Art Libraries Journal 42 no. 2 (2017): 80-85.
Schoen, Molly J. “Teaching Visual Literacy Skills in a One-Shot Session.” VRA Bulletin 41, no. 1 (2015).
Yavelberg, Joshua Adam. “Discovering the Pedagogical Paradigm Inherent in Art History Survey Courses: A Delphi Study.” PhD diss., George Mason University, 2016.
Barnet, Sylvan. 2015. A Short Guide to Writing About Art. 11th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. [research and writing guidance may be adapted for instruction]
Brown, Jeanne M. (ed.). Library instruction for students in design disciplines: Scenarios, exercises, and techniques. Kanata, ON: Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA), 2002.
Center for Media and Social Impact and College Art Association (CAA). “Teaching Tools on Fair Use in the Visual Arts.” Accessed January 17, 2025. [lesson plans, assignment ideas, syllabus inserts, and more]
AHTR Weekly. Art History Teaching Resource. [features assignments and lesson plans geared toward Art History faculty]