The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education in Geography.
Last updated in April 2018.
Bauch, Nicholas, and Christina Sheldon. 2014. “Tacit Information Literacies in Beginning College Students: Research Pedagogy in Geography.” Harvard Educational Review 84, no. 3: 403-423.
Blake, Linda, and Tim Warner. 2011. “Seeing the Forest of Information for the Trees of Papers: An Information Literacy Case Study in a Geography/Geology Class.” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship 64.
DeChambeau, Aimee L., and Ira D. Sasowsky. 2003. “Using information Literacy Standards to Improve Geoscience Courses.” Journal of Geoscience Education 51, no 5: 490-495.
Dodsworth, Eva. 2012. Getting Started with GIS: A LITA Guide. New York: Neal Schuman.
Holstein, Ann L. 2015. “Geographic Information and Technologies in Academic Libraries: An ARL Survey of Services and Support.” Information Technology & Libraries 34, no. 1: 38-51.
Jablonski, John. 2004. “Information Literacy for GIS Curricula: An Instructional Model for Faculty.” Journal of Map & Geography Libraries 1, no. 1: 41-58.
Kimsey, Mary B., and S. Lynn Cameron. 2005. “Teaching and Assessing Information Literacy in a Geography Program.” Journal of Geography 104, no. 1: 17-23.
Miller, Jason, C. Peter Keller, and Larry D. Yore. 2005. “Suggested Geographic Information Literacy for K-12.” International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education 14, no. 4: 243-260.
Nazari, Maryam. 2011. “A Contextual Model of Information Literacy.” Journal of Information Science 37, no.4: 345-359.
Nazari, Maryam, and Sheila Webber. 2011. “What Do the Conceptions of Geospatial Information Tell Us About Information Literacy?” Journal of Documentation 67, no. 2: 334-354.
Nazari, Maryam, and Sheila Webber. 2008. ”Conceptions of Geospatial Information in Online Distance Learning GIS Programs.” Paper presented at MCCSIS’08: IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, IADIS Press.
Nazari, Maryam, and Sheila Webber. “Model of Geo/Spatial Information Literacy.” Paper presented at EUGISES: Sixth European GIS Education Seminar, Cirencester, UK, September 11-14, 2008.
Price, Bronwyn. 2010. “Teaching Effective Literature Use Skills for Research Reports in Geography.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education 34, no. 2: 247-264.