The ACRL IS Information Literacy in the Disciplines Committee has gathered links and citations to information literacy standards and curricula developed by accrediting agencies, professional associations, and institutions of higher education in Mathematics.
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. “Guidelines & Position Statements“.
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). “ISTE Standards.”
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). “Standards & Positions.”
Saxe, Karen, and Linda Braddy. 2015. A Common Vision for Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Programs in 2025. The Mathematical Association of America.
Bussmann, Jeffra Diane, and Jeffrey D. Bond. 2015. “Information Literacy in Mathematics Undergraduate Education: Where Does It Stand Today?” Issues In Science & Technology Librarianship, no. 81 (Summer).
Calzada Prado, Javier, and Miguel Ángel Marzal. 2013. “Incorporating Data Literacy into Information Literacy Programs: Core Competencies and Contents.” Libri 63 (2): 123-134.
Carlson, Jacob, Michael Fosmire, C.C. Miller, and Megan Sapp Nelson. 2011. “Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty.” portal: Libraries and the Academy 11 (2): 629-657.
Dingman, Shannon W., and Bernard L. Madison. 2010. “Quantitative Reasoning in the Contemporary World, 1: The Course and Its Challenges.” Numeracy 3 (2).
Erickson, Ander W. 2019. “Introducing Information Literacy to Mathematics Classrooms: A Cross-Case Analysis.” Numeracy 12 (1): 7.
Farmer, Lesley S.J. 2013. “How AASL Learning Standards Inform ACRL Information Literacy Standards.” Communications in Information Literacy 7 (2): 171-176.
Gould, Robert. 2017. “Data Literacy is Statistical Literacy.” Statistics Education Research Journal 16 (1): 22-25.
Hahs-Vaughn, Debbie L., Hannah Acquaye, Matthew D. Griffith, Hang Jo, Ken Matthews, and Parul Acharya. 2017. “Statistical Literacy as a Function of Online Versus Hybrid Course Delivery Format for an Introductory Graduate Statistics Course.” Journal of Statistics Education 25 (3): 112-121.
Madison, Bernard L., and Shannon W. Dingman. 2010.”Quantitative Reasoning in the Contemporary World, 2: Focus Questions for the Numeracy Community.” Numeracy 3 (2).
Schield, Milo. 2004. “Information Literacy, Statistical Literacy and Data Literacy.” IASSIST Quarterly 28 (2/3): 6-11.