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ACRL/EBSS Library Resources for Communication Studies (LRCS)


This guide is intended to identify the primary resources available for research in the field of advertising/international advertising. One difficulty associated with advertising research is that many of the resources used are closely associated with marketing rather than with mass communication, and therefore the researcher needs to be familiar with marketing/business materials as well as communication sources. Use of business library collections and collaboration with business librarians is suggested. In addition, there is a distinct difference in the types of materials used by advertising professionals on the creative side of the advertising process. The emphasis of this guide is on the marketing/business side, although some creative materials have also been included.

Current Page Editor: Kristin Peace

Databases for Articles and Reports

Journals and Trade Publications

Statistics, Demographics, Rates

Handbooks and Encyclopedias

Red Book Directories

  • Standard Directory of Advertising Agencies (Red Books) is available with subscription through NexisUni. This directory is a comprehensive source of information on advertising agencies in the United States. Documents include general information about the agency as well as detailed advertising information such as area(s) of specialization, billing figures, billings by advertising media, key personnel, associations, and accounts serviced by the agency. To be included in the directory, the agency must meet at least one of the following criteria: It must be the agency of record for at least one national or multi-state account that spends $ 200,000 or more on media per year; The agency of record for at least one of the companies listed in the Standard Directory of Advertisers; A recognized advertising agency outside of the United States that has one or more accounts in the United States; and a member of a professional agency association
  • Standard Directory of Advertisers (Red Books) is available with subscription through NexisUni. This directory provides a comprehensive overview of more than 25,000 companies in the United States that spend at least $ 200,000 on national and regional advertising campaigns. Documents include general information about the company as well as advertising data such as advertising expenditures, advertising media, advertising expenditures by media, and information on the advertising agency(ies) the company employs.

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

For more OERs on advertising, search Merlot

Digital & Online Collections

Historical -- Archives


The Media Literacy page will also have useful information.

Associations and Organizations
