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Science and Technology Section (STS): About Our Officers

This is a guide for current and potential offers in the Science and Technology (STS) Section of ACRL


The responsibilities in these descriptions are drawn from the recommendations made in the STS EDI Task Force’s 2020 Final Report


EDI Officer responsibilities:

1. Serve as an ex-officio member of the STS EDI committee, working together with the committee to plan, coordinate, and/or execute EDI initiatives 

2. Serve on the STS Executive Committee 

3. Advise STS leadership on EDI-related matters

4. Serve as the primary point of contact for STS EDI issues, questions, and concerns

5. Serve as primary point of contact for ACRL and ALA EDI initiatives and ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach; represent STS in EDI conversations at ACRL and ALA

6. Identify issues that may require a response from STS


Month Responsibilities
Immediately following Annual Conference Begin term of office at the close of the final day of the Annual Conference. 
July Between conferences, stay in touch with STS Executive Board.
August - December Attend STS Executive meetings and work on assigned projects and/or liaison work.
January Attend STS Executive and Council meetings.
February - June Attend STS Executive meetings and work on assigned projects and/or liaison work.