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Science and Technology Section (STS): About Our Officers

This is a guide for current and potential offers in the Science and Technology (STS) Section of ACRL


1. Serves as an officer of the section and assists in advancing the goals and objectives of the section (see the STS Core Values) in accordance with ACRL strategic directions and priorities.

2. Oversees the development, implementation, and reporting of the section's contribution to, and support of, the ACRL goals and strategic directions.

3. Chairs all meetings of the section Executive Committee typically held at the Annual Conference and 1-2 more additional times throughout the year as needed.

4. Chairs all meetings of the STS Council typically held at Annual Conference and 1-2 more times throughout the year (often in the month after Annual Conference and in January).

5. Attends the STS All Committees meeting at Annual Conference.

6. Establishes or dissolves both special and standing committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.

7. Oversees section program at Annual Conference

8. Meets deadlines for requests for payment and reimbursement, according to the budget submitted.

9. Schedules all of the section's in-person (as applicable) committee meetings and programs for Annual Conference after consulting committee chairs. Completes meeting request Web forms for all committees and programs.

10. Submits reports to the ACRL Board on section activities for distribution to the ACRL Board.

11. Responds to inquiries from members and non-members regarding section interests and activities.

12. Chair co-represents with vice-chair/chair-elect the section on ACRL Communities of Practice Assembly (when in person, usually held Friday afternoons at the ALA  Annual Conferences). Presents oral and written reports on division events and plans to STS Council.

13. Fills committee vacancies during term in office.

14. Represents the section at the division level in accordance with ALA policy.

15. Arranges to have minutes taken for each meeting and ensures copies are sent to ACRL staff.

16. Conducts all meetings in accordance with ALA's "Open Meeting" policy.

Source: ALA Policy 7.4.3

17. Organizes food and beverages offerings for all in-person STS events that have food and beverages for the Annual conference, in collaboration with ACRL staff liaison. 


Month Responsibility
Immediately following Annual Conference Begin term of office at the close of the final day of the Annual Conference
  Confirm lists of Committee members to ACRL for inclusion in ALA Handbook.
July Between conferences, stay in touch with STS Executive Board and Committee Chairs. 
  Hold an STS Council II meeting to wrap up business from ALA Annual.
  Send Action Plans Reports to ACRL.
  Receive notification of current budget allocations from ACRL Deputy Executive Director by end of July (notification only). NOTE: All budget expenditures reimbursement requests for past year must be received in ACRL office by August 15 for processing.
July - September Work with designated STS fundraiser and ACRL staff liaison to develop a list of potential funding sources (publishers and vendors) for STS programming at the next Annual Conference and to determine ways to publicly acknowledge their support. Send list to ACRL staff liaison who submits list to ACRL Executive Director for “approval” to contact sources.
  Hold a co-chairs orientation to familiarize co-chairs with STS co-chair communication best practices, STS calendar year, and answer any questions they may have.
August (or by requested deadline) Send STS Signal Editor introductory letter for fall STS Signal.
August If STS Program Planning Committee decides to propose a conference program for ALA Annual through the ALA application system, support them in this process.
August (with Past-Chair) Send reimbursement requests by section members to ACRL staff by August 15 for processing before the end of the ACRL budget year on August 31.
August-December (sometime during this period) Receive notice of current budget allocations from ACRL 
December-January Brainstorm ideas for the next year’s request for project funding with the STS Development members.
January Hold a mid-year STS Council meeting and an STS Executive Committee meeting.
January - June Work with STS Executive to determine how many ALA Annual STS in-person events at which to offer food. Work with the STS Development task force and the ACRL staff liaison to determine amount of funding available for food. Work with the ACRL staff liaison to select food for the chosen events within the budgetary and conference site constraints.
February Send out a call on the STS email list for additions to the STS External Reviewer volunteer form. Maintain the STS External Reviewer sheet and remove duplicates.
May (or by requested deadline) Send STS Signal Editor  letter for spring STS Signal.
June Attend STS events at ALA Annual in person or online (as relevant), chair STS Council Meeting 1 that coincides with the conference.