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ACRL/EBSS Resources for Curriculum Materials Professionals

Functions & Descriptions

Association of College and Research Libraries.  Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. (2017). Guidelines for curriculum materials centers. Retrieved from

Baughman, S.S. (1984). Education libraries in the United States. Education Libraries, 9, 45-48.

Bird, T. C. (1969).  The teaching materials center.  In N.P. Pearson & L. Butler.  (Eds.). Instructional materials centersSelected readings (pp. 210-212).  Minneapolis, MN: Burgress.

Boudreau, B. (1976).  Selected curriculum materials centers: Organizations and services.  Retrieved from ERIC database.  (ED148400)

Boudreau, B. (1983, December).  Curriculum materials centres in teacher education institutions.  Canadian Library Journal, 40, 379-382.

Bristow, W. H., & Simon, L. (1956).  Resource centers.  Review of Educational Research, 26(2), 184-196.

Bruner, H. B. (1938, May). The curriculum laboratory in action. Curriculum Journal, 10, 199-202.

Church, J. G. (1970). Curriculum laboratory. Educational Leadership,27(7), 713-716.

Clarke, N. (1991). The roles and function of curriculum resources centres in Australia. Australian Library Journal, 40, 232-241.

Drag, F. L. (1947). Curriculum laboratories in the United States. (Education Monograph, No. 15). San Diego, CA: Curriculum Laboratory, Office of the Superintendent of Schools, San Diego County. Also Drag, F. L. (1947). Curriculum laboratories in the United States (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

Drag, F. L. (1948). What is a curriculum laboratory? Educational Leadership, 5(4), 235-240.

Dullea, B. (1978). Curriculum materials centers in institutions of higher education in New York State and in selected Midwestern institutions. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED175798)

Flandro, R. P. (1957). Curriculum laboratories in colleges of teacher education (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

Fox, R. S., & Linley, J. M. (1951, May). A curriculum laboratory for teachers. School Executive, 70, 48-50.

Fuller, F. S. (1976). A survey of administrative-organizational patterns of non-print media programs in academic libraries in Tennessee. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED125561)

Gallinger, J. (1974, July). Educational media centers and academic libraries. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Library Association. New York. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED095838)

Gerke, R. (1981). Organization and management of a curriculum library: A description of procedures and practices. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Library Association. Bethesda, MD. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED206291)

Gwynn, J. M., & Chase, J. B., Jr. (1969). Curriculum aids and the materials center. In J.M. Gwynn & J.B. Chase, Jr. Curriculum principles and social trends (4th ed.) (pp. 485-506). Toronto, Canada: Macmillian.

Hall, S. D. (1963). A comparative student of two types of organization of instructional materials center. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NB.

Hall, S. D. (1964). The instructional materials center. The Elementary School Journal, 64(4), 210-213. doi:10.1086/460120

Harap, H. (1932, April). The curriculum laboratory. New York State Education, 19, 634.

  • Harap's article, above, is the first published article to use the phrase "curriculum laboratory".

Houlihan, B. (1978). The university curriculum library: Evaluate, update, renovate. Curriculum Review, 17(5), 361-363.

James, M. L. (1963). The curriculum laboratory in teacher institutions: Its essential characteristics (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.

Johnson, H. R. (1973). The curriculum materials center: A study of policies and practices in selected centers. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED081449)

Kiewitt, E. L., & Lehman, L. J. (1979). Curriculum materials centers: A survey of their policies and practices. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED194110)

Klein, M. F., & Thayer, G. D. (1973, October). Developing a curriculum inquiry center. Educational Leadership, 31(1), 57-60.

Knapke, B. (1979). The curriculum laboratory in an academic library: A simulated school library. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED175473)

Leary, B. E. (1938a).  Curriculum laboratories and divisions: Their organization and function in state departments of education, city schools systems, and institutions of higher education.  U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Education.  (Bulletin 1938, No. 7). Washington: Government Printing Office.

Leary, B. E. (1938b).  Survey of curriculum laboratories. Curriculum Journal, 11, 350-354.

Mace, J. M. (1993, November/December). The importance of the curriculum materials centers in the academic library. Library Mosaics, 4, 22-23.

Maxine, M. (1962). A study of curriculum laboratories and their educational functions (Unpublished master's thesis). Rosary College, River Forests, IL.

McGiverin, R. H. (1988). Curriculum material centers: A descriptive study. Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian, 6(3-4), 119-128. doi:10.1300/J103v06n03_08

Moldstad, J., & Frye, H. (1961, May). A complete materials center.  Overview, 2, 48-49.

  • Also in N.P. Pearson & L. Butler (Eds.).  (1969). Instructional materials centers: Selected readings (pp. 191-193). Minneapolis, MN: Burgess.

Steeves, F.L. (1953, December). Professional library laboratory.  Clearing House, 28, 230-231.

Teclehaimanot, B., & Patterson, A. (1992).  The nature, function and value of the curriculum materials center on colleges of education. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology and Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division.

Wattenburg, W. (1938, December). Developing a curriculum laboratory. Curriculum Journal, 9, 355-357.