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ACRL/EBSS Resources for Curriculum Materials Professionals


The ACRL’s Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers states that CMCs should use marketing to promote their unique services and collections.  It asserts that “Promotion should be directed toward all CMC user groups and stakeholders and should include both formal and informal means.”  To accomplish this, a CMC should utilize its web presence, printed brochures or guides, informal campus contacts, local school contacts, and professional associations.

General Resources

Getting Started

Marketing Plans

For CMCs which do not have comprehensive marketing plans, a document outlining audience, objectives, and more can help prioritize efforts and increase efficiencies. The resources below provide guidance on crafting a new marketing plan. 

Mission Statements

According to ALA, "Each type of library — public, school, and academic — should have a central, guiding mission statement that defines the library’s purpose and describes who the library serves. Additionally, the mission statement may be expanded to include a vision statement that clearly identifies what the library would be if the mission statement was achieved and a list of values, commitments, or goals that would help the library achieve its mission statement. At the minimum, a mission statement is needed to provide guidance for all efforts of the library." Due to the distinct nature of CMCs, having one specific to the CMC can help communicate to stakeholders the impact, relevancy, and cause the CMC supports. 

Mission Statement Examples

Elevator Speeches

An elevator speech is a 20-60 second sound-bite that summarizes a who/what and explains its value. While elevator speeches are probably most commonly developed for individuals, they can also be crafted to quickly and succinctly communicate the strength and value of a given curriculum materials library. See the resources below for tips on getting started with an elevator speech.

Marketing & Promotional Materials

Resources for finding images for library marketing and promotion:

Resources for designing and creating library marketing and promotional materials: