"Open Access is a means of disseminating scholarly research that breaks from the traditional subscription model of academic publishing. It has the potential to accelerate greatly the pace of scientific discovery, encourage innovation and enrich education by reducing barriers to access. Open Access shifts the costs of publishing so that readers, practitioners and researchers obtain content at no cost. However, Open Access is not as simple as “articles are free to all readers.” Open Access encompasses a range of components such as readership, reuse, copyright, posting and machine readability. Within these areas, publishers and funding agencies have adopted many different policies, some of which are more open and some less open. In general, the more a journal’s policies codify immediate availability and reuse with as few restrictions as possible, the more open it is."
Supporting article:
HowOpenIsIt? A guide for evaluating open access journals. (2014). SPARC. https://sparcopen.org/our-work/howopenisit/
Open Access Monograph: a scholarly monograph which is made freely available with a Creative Commons license.
Supporting articles:
What librarians can do in their own work:
Supporting articles:
Suber, P. How to make your own work open access. http://bit.ly/how-oa. Also recommended is Chapter 10: Self-Help of Suber’s (2012) MIT Press book, Open Access, and the updates to Chapter 10.
Neville, T., & Crampsie, C. (2019). From journal selection to open access: Practices among academic librarian scholars. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 19(4), 591-613. https://doi.org/10.1353/pla.2019.0037
What librarians can do to support faculty in open access:
Supporting articles:
Engeszer RJ, Sarli CC. (2014). Libraries and open access support: new roles in the digital publishing era. Missouri Medicine, 111(5):404-407. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6172089/
Heaton, R., Burns, D., & Thoms, B. L. (2019). Altruism or self-interest? Exploring the motivations of open access authors. College & Research Libraries, 80(4), 485-507. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.80.4.485