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Indexes and Guides to Western European Periodicals

List of print and electronic indexes to, guides for, and websites for Western European periodicals from the 17th to 21st centuries.





La biblioteca periodica: repertorio dei giornali letterari del 6-700 in Emilia e in Romagna.

Three volumes, indexing the contents of 25 periodicals from 1668-1781. 


  • Bibliografia italiana; giornale dell'Associazione Tipografico-libraria Italiana, 1867-1875.
    A bibliography of books and periodicals published in Italy, with monthly issues and an annual index. Each month includes a list of books and periodicals (usually 10-12 titles) and Indice del contenuto delle prinicpali riviste italiane (the only direct indexing of 19th century periodical contents). Also includes Indice metodico (an index by subject) and Indice alfabetico degli autori. At the end of the volume there are many pages of publishers' advertisements, listing books published that year. An excellent look at the book trade. 
  • Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle publicazioni periodiche italiane e straniere. Parte 1a. Scritti biografici e critici.
    Includes material to end of 1883, with list of publications analyzed, and author index. Supplements cover the period 1884 to 1906.
  • Emeroteca Digitale on-line della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
    Provides access to images of over 860 Italian historical, including scholarly, periodicals and regional newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of the periodicals are fully searchable, but others, such as the newspapers, may only be searched by issue and dates


  • Catalogo Informatico Riviste Culturali Europee (C.I.R.C.E.) 
    The Computerized Catalogue of European Cultural Periodicals seeks to convert into digital format the pages of the most important European cultural periodicals produced throughout the XXth century.
  • Catalogo metodico degli scritti contenuti nelle publicazioni periodiche italiane e straniere. Parte 1a. Scritti biografici e critici.
    Includes material to end of 1883, with list of publications analyzed, and author index. Supplements cover the period 1884 to 1906. 
  • Emeroteca Digitale on-line della Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
    Provides access to images of over 860 Italian historical, including scholarly, periodicals and regional newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of the periodicals are fully searchable, but others, such as the newspapers, may only be searched by issue and dates
  • Indice delle Riviste Italiane del '900
    Index to Italian literary journals and magazines from the early 20th Century to the 1980s.
  • Italinemo: Riviste di italianistica nel mondo
    This searchable site includes tables of contents for journals published from 2000 onwards, with article abstracts. 
  • La Rivoluzione Liberale Online
    A political weekly available for searching at the article level. (1922-1925; searchable database of facsimile images) 



Storia della stampa italiana.

A comprehensive history of the Italian periodical press. Each chapter includes an bibliography of further works, and a list of periodical titles from that period. Indexes of names and titles. Volume one is La stampa italiana dal Cinquecento all'Ottocento. Volumes 2 (La stampa italiana del Risorgimento), 3 (La stampa italiana nell'etá liberale), 4 (La stampa italiana nell'etá fascista), 5 (La stampa italiana dalla Resistenza agli anni Sessanta), and 7 (La stampa italiana nell'etá della TV).



  • Giornalismo letterario del Settecento.
    ​Collection of representative articles from periodicals of the period, as well as detailed chapters on 6 journals of the 18th century: 
    • Giornale de letterati
    • Osservazioni letterarie
    • Novelle letterarie
    • L'Osservatore veneto
    • La frusta letteraria de Aristarco Scannabue
    • Il caffé
  • La stampa periodioci veneziana fino alla caduta della Repubblica.

    A listing and description of c. 150 periodicals published in Venice from 1661-1796. Indice per titoli, Indice dei direttori e redattori, Indice dei librai e dei tipografi. 


  • Bollettino delle pubblicazioni italiane recevute per diritto di stampa, 1886-1957.
    Lists new periodicals published, month by month. Includes Indice dei soggetti, useful for seeing what books were published in various subjects. Lacks Indice del contenuto delle prinicpali riviste italiane,
  • Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP)
    A catalog of Italian periodicals; provides basic information such as title, publisher, place of publication, language, and dates of publication, as well as ISSN and links to previous or superseding titles, when applicable. Contains periodicals going back to the 19th Century. 
  • Guida della stampa periodica italiana.
    An inventory as well as a history of the Italian periodical press. Includes chapters on the development of the periodical press and listings by province of titles currently published (1890), as well as ceased titles. Bibliographical information (title, city, year of 1st publication, publisher) on thousands of titles, organized by province. Also includes Italian language periodicals published in other countries. 
  • I periodici letterari dell'Ottocento: indice ragionato (collaboratore e testate).
    A catalog of 427 19th century Italian periodicals. Entries include title, subtitle, place of publication, dates of publication, "settori" (e.g. versi, cronaca e attualità, narrativa empirica, varietá, moda), contributors (firme), notes (title changes, name of editors, etc). Several indexes at the back: Indice dei nomi, Indice per cittá, Indice delle riviste, Indice per dominanti (genre). While it does not index individual articles, the index of names points to the journals in which a particular writer would have published. 
  • Stampa e letteratura: spazi e generi nei quotidiani italiani dell'Ottocento: catalogo ragionato.
    A catalog of 259 19th century Italian periodicals. Entries include title, subtitle, place of publication, date of publication, genre (e.g. versi, spettacolo, narrativa empirica, varietá, moda), notes (title changes, name of editors, etc), bibliographia (where a particular title is cited in a work on the Italian periodical press). Several indexes at the back: Indice dei nomi, Indice delle regioni e delle cittá, Indice dei generi. 
  • La stampa periodica delle donne in Italia, 1861-1985.
    Catalog of periodicals published for women. Includes title, subtitle, dates of publication, frequency, city of publication, and indicates which Italian libraries hold each title. Includes Indice cronologico and Indice dei luoghi de edizione.


  • Bibliografia dei giornali fascisti lombardi, 1919-1945.
    A detailed description of 262 periodicals published in Lombardy. Not an index of individual articles, but the descriptions are detailed enough to cite some specific articles. Includes title, subtitle, place of publication, responsible entity, dates of publication, director's name, periodicity, and pagination. 
  • Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici (ACNP)
    A catalog of Italian periodicals; provides basic information such as title, publisher, place of publication, language, and dates of publication, as well as ISSN and links to previous or superseding titles, when applicable. Contains periodicals going back to the 19th century. 
  • La stampa periodica romana durante il fascismo, 1927-1943.\
    2 volumes: Rassegne and Repertorio. 

  • La stampa periodica delle donne in Italia, 1861-1985.

    Catalog of periodicals published for women. Includes title, subtitle, dates of publication, frequency, city of publication, and indicates which Italian libraries hold each title. Includes Indice cronologico and Indice dei luoghi de edizione.





Emeroteca Digitale della Biblioteca Augusta di Perugia
The Emeroteca Digitale della Biblioteca Augusta di Perugia provides online access to the page images of local historical periodicals published in Umbria from the end of the 18th century to the mid-20th century.