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ACRL Board Manual 2024-2025

Board Manual for the ACRL Board of Directors.

5.4 Roles & Responsibilities: Budget & Finance Chair

Association Governance – board meetings, strategic planning
  1. Serves as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors.
  2. Serves as a member of the ACRL Executive Committee.
  3. Shares information on financial picture of association. Represents budget and finance perspective in Board discussions. Advises Board on appropriate process to vet programs from a financial perspective.
  1. In consultation with president, plans joint Board/Budget and Finance Committee meeting at Midwinter.
  2. Attends ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and ALA Planning and Budget Assembly as ACRL representative. Votes as ACRL representative when appropriate.
  3. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meetings such as:
    • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly (PBA),
    • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions.
ACRL Budget & Finance Committee Chair Appointment

In alternating years, the Vice-President/President-Elect will appoint the ACRL Budget and Finance Committee Chair or the ACRL Conference Chair. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors 2009 virtual action.)

The ACRL Budget and Finance Committee Chair appointment term is exempt from the five-year limit to consecutive service on the same group. The Chair may serve up to a ten-year limit to consecutive service on the Budget and Finance Committee if serving as chair. (Source: ACRL Board of Directors, April 6, 2022, Spring Board Virtual Meeting)

Budget and Finance Committee Chair’s Ex Officio and Liaison Responsibilities