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ACRL Board Manual 2024-2025

Board Manual for the ACRL Board of Directors.

5.3 Roles & Responsibilities: Past-President

Association Governance – board meetings, strategic planning
  1. Serves as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors and Executive Committee.
  2. Supports president.
  3. Participates in regular conference calls with other officers and the executive director.
  4. Works with staff and presidents to plan the Virtual Leader Orientation.
  5. As an officer, participates in the executive director’s annual review.
  6. Plans with president, vice-president, and executive director Strategic Planning and Orientation Session to be held early in presidential year (typically September or October).

Officers (president, vice-president, and past president) review progress to date and confer with executive director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns.

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA
  1. Develops questions to ask ALA Presidential candidates for C&RL News article (December).
  2. Every third year, drafts two or three questions for ALA Treasurer Candidates for C&RL News article (December; next time will be 2019 for the 2020 election).
  3. Maintains effective relationships between ACRL and ALA and its divisions. Shares information, communicates concerns, participates in governance through attending meeting such as:
    • ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly,
    • Joint meeting of ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) and the divisions, and
  4. Writes letter for the Annual Report for the December issue of C&RL News (due October) conveying his/her presidential year.
  5. Represents ACRL at chapter conferences by invitation.
  6. Prepares quarterly officer’s report (examples below).
  7. Prepares a summary report of representative reports for Fall and Spring Executive meeting. Reports back to ACRL representatives as needed.
  8. Provides information to staff to create ACRL Past-President’s page to include, biographical information, schedule, special events, press box, reports, contact info, and a photo.
Quarterly Past-President's Reports
Quarterly Report Template
Representation- external to media
  1. Responds to requests from ALA Communications & Marketing Office for interviews and information.
  1. Attends ACRL Leadership Council & Membership Meeting and Welcome Reception.
  2. Attends invitational receptions at Midwinter and Annual Conference, as schedule permits, e.g., receptions for ALA officers, etc.
Immediate Past-President’s Ex-officio and liaison responsibilities

ALA Meetings
ALA meetings are scheduled by the ALA president working with the ALA Executive Office. Communication about the time, agenda, and any supporting documents comes from the ALA Executive Office.

  •  ALA Planning and Budgeting Assembly (PBA), Sunday 1:00–2:30 p.m.

The ACRL president, along with other ACRL leaders, has an opportunity at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to meet with members of the Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC) to discuss issues of concern and share ideas.

  • ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (BARC), Sunday 2:30–3:30 p.m.

ALA BARC and division leaders meet to discuss issues of concern and share ideas at the Midwinter Meeting and at the Annual Conference on Sundays from 2:30–3:30 p.m.

ACRL Meetings

  1. The past-president attends the ACRL Board of Directors meetings at both the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference (Saturdays and Mondays).
  2. The past-president attends the ACRL Executive Committee meetings twice a year, fall and spring. The fall meeting had been scheduled for one day and the spring meeting for one day. In recent years, the full Board has met virtually in the fall and spring. The virtual meetings have been held in lieu of, as well as in addition, to the executive meetings.
  3. The past-president attends the ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session, typically held in September or October.
  4. The past-president may be asked to host a spring Virtual Leader Orientation session.
  5. The past-president attends the Leadership Council & Membership Meeting that is held at Midwinter and Annual on Fridays, between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m.
  6. A Leadership Welcome Reception lunch is held during Midwinter and Annual on Fridays. The Board is expected to attend and get to know other ACRL leaders.
  7. ACRL provides opportunities for its officers to visit the local chapters. The past-president may be invited to visit a chapter as a speaker to share information about ACRL’s programs, services, and activities. The past-president should confirm availability with the chapter and ask that they contact the ACRL office about further details.
  8. The past-president participates in the Executive Directors evaluation process. At the Midwinter Meeting, officers review progress to date and confer with Executive Director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns. At Annual Conference, the Executive Session convenes at the close of the first ACRL Board meeting to review performance of Executive Director.


  • Start writing message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual Conference (your presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL News. 300–500 words, due in October. 
  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee meeting at ALA Headquarters (October) or virtual.
  • Attend ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (typically September or October).
  • Review reports from ACRL representatives and prepare document for Fall Executive meeting that highlights issues the Board should discuss.


  • Finish message for Annual Report covering period ending with previous Annual Conference (your presidential year), published in the December issue of C&RL News. 300–500 words, due in October.


  • Draft and complete questions and poll ACRL Board for input on questions to be posed to the candidates for ALA president and treasurer for the C&RL News article.



  • Attend ACRL Board meetings (Saturday and Monday afternoons).
  • Attend Publications Coordinating Committee virtual meeting.
  • Attend editorial board meetings (Sunday 8:30–10:00 a.m.) as schedule permits.
  • Attend ALA joint BARC and division meeting.
  • Attend ALA Planning and Budget Assembly. Attend ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Committee meeting if you wish to participate.
  • Meet with ACRL officers and Executive Director to review progress to date and confer with Executive Director regarding any necessary midyear adjustments (e.g., unexpected emergencies or opportunities, ALA-directed changes) and/or concerns.


  • Review reports from ACRL representatives and prepare document for Spring Executive/Board meeting that highlights issues the Board should discuss.


  • Prepare for ACRL Conference presentations/functions (typically introductions, welcomes, etc.) (odd-numbered years).


  • Attend ACRL Executive Committee/Board meeting.
  • Participate in Virtual Leader Orientation.

Annual Conference

  • Attend ACRL Board meetings (Saturday and Monday afternoons).
  • Attend ACRL President’s Program (Saturday 10:30–noon) and awards reception.
  • Attend editorial board meetings or Publications Coordinating Committee meeting (Sunday 8:30 a.m.–noon) as schedule permits.
  • Attend ALA joint Budget Analysis & Review Committee (BARC) and division meeting.
  • Attend ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA).
  • Meet with incoming vice-president and other ACRL officers to discuss work and direction of the association.
  • Arrange to send appropriate files to incoming past-president.
  • Meet with Officers to prepare performance review with Executive Director.

Roles & Responsibilities: Past-President Once Removed

Communication- about ACRL to its units and to ALA
  • Writes Annual Report for C&RL News covering the presidential year that is due when he/she is past president (October).
Ex Officio and liaison responsibilities
  • Attends ACRL Leadership Council & Membership Meeting and Welcome Reception.